Principal’s Desk

The Mission of Thompson Public School is to develop life-long learners and responsible citizens.

Welcome Fall!

Important Upcoming Dates:

September Updates:

The school year is getting off to a great start! Students are settling in, and we are thoroughly enjoying building relationships with them and with you as parents. There is so much to look forward to this year, and we are excited to share updates and important news with you.

Currently, we are in the process of assessing our students’ progress. For grades K-2, we are continuing to use the STAR Renaissance program, which has been a trusted tool for us over the past 10 years. For grades 3-12, we are transitioning to the A+ North Dakota Interim testing this year. This new assessment will give us additional insights into how we can better support your child’s academic growth. I’ve attached a link to the website where you can learn more about this new testing program and the journey we are embarking on.

As part of our ongoing dedication to your child's success, we thoroughly review the data from these assessments to make informed academic decisions. If we identify that your student could benefit from additional support, we will contact you right away. Our Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS) helps us personalize the learning journey for every student and determine if services such as Title support or an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) are necessary. These decisions are grounded in research and evidence-based practices, ensuring that your child receives the most appropriate resources to meet their needs 

We greatly appreciate your trust in us and our staff as we work together to make this school year a success. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. We are always here to help!

Bus Expectations and Safety Reminders

At Thompson Public School, the safety of our students is a top priority, especially when it comes to transportation. Riding the bus is a privilege, and we want to ensure that all students are following expectations to keep the environment safe and focused. We kindly ask that you review the following expectations with your child:

Please be aware that repeated violations of these expectations, or any behavior that endangers the safety of students or distracts the bus driver, could lead to a suspension of bus riding privileges. We ask that you take some time to go over these expectations with your student to ensure that they understand the importance of keeping the bus ride safe for everyone.

We appreciate your support in reinforcing these expectations at home. Let’s work together to create a safe and positive environment on our buses.

White Illustrative Chalkboard Back to School Video.mp4
Photo of Mrs. Brown

Principal Cassie Brown

Phone: (701) 599-2765

School Hours:

  • 7:00 for students who are enrolled in ESP

  • 8:05 for students who are eating breakfast.

  • 8:15 for all other students.

  • 8:35 the school day begins. 

  • 3:15 Dismissal

  • 5:30 ESP Pickup

Meal Plans:

Breakfast Prices:
Grades K-12: $2.00

Hot Lunch Prices:Grades K-6: $3.00Grades 7-12: $3.25
Parent Tip: Once you have your student's hot lunch number practice memorizing it at home.
Nut Free School Poster--no nuts--even coconut.

School Structure for 2024-2025

This year we will be implementing new programs to enhance our students learning. To learn more about these programs, click on the link below.

Our mission is to empower schools to support and prepare all North Dakota students for success. 

North Dakota’s Multi-Tier System of Supports (NDMTSS) is a framework designed through the lens of continuous improvement to guide school districts, schools, and all educators to ensure each and every student has access to learning experiences that enhance their educational outcomes. 

ND A+ Overview (3).pdf

A Letter from ND A+

Dear Families,

We are excited to share that we will be administering new assessments to students this year

that will help you and your child’s teacher understand how they are progressing in their learning throughout the school year. The North Dakota Academic Progression of Learning and Understanding of Students or ND A-PLUS (ND A+) is a new, connected system of assessments that includes state-provided interim assessments. Interim assessments are short, untimed assessments that take approximately 30 minutes to complete. ND A+ Interim Assessments are administered in the fall, the winter, and the spring in both reading and math. Students will take ND A+ Interim Assessments online, and our teachers will receive the results immediately.

ND A+ Interim Assessments will provide a measure of how well your student is performing in reading and math. In addition, for grades 3-8, ND A+ Interim Assessments will provide Lexile scores for reading and Quantile scores for math. A link will be included in your child’s report where you can access resources on things you can do at home to support them.

The ND A+ Interim Assessments reports will also contain information to support conversations with your child’s teacher about their learning. Because ND A+ is also a growth measure, teachers can discuss with families how much students have improved from fall to winter and winter to spring.

These conversations may include questions you have, such as the following examples:

1. My child made significant progress in math but not as much in reading. What can I do at home to support his or her reading?

2. My child seems to be doing really well in both subject areas. What are some enrichment activities to keep him or her engaged in learning?

3. My child seems to be struggling with Measurement and Data. Is there any support the

school can provide specifically for Measurement and Data?

We know that tests can cause some students anxiety. ND A+ Interim Assessments are

designed for students to show what they know and can do at three checkpoints during a school year. Encourage your child to try their best so that you and their teacher can track their progress and support them in any areas where they may need help. Please support your child by making sure they get a good night’s sleep the night before and eat a healthy breakfast on the day of testing.

It’s also important to remember that ND A+ Interim Assessments are just one group of

assessments. Teachers also monitor grades and use other information from the classroom to know how to best address your child’s needs. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher. We appreciate your support.

FAQ's for a good year at Thompson School

How are Class Lists Determined?

Class lists will be communicated in August 2022. This allows the school to accommodate enrollment and staff changes that occur throughout the summer.  Creating class lists is a very important job.  Our professional team of teachers makes sure that we develop class lists with integrity. This allows us to create classes that ensure all students get the ability to receive the best education here at Thompson School

How do I communicate with other families in my child's class.

Part of being in a small town is the ability to make lasting connections with families.  We appreciate the want to reach out and connect with others on a more personal level.  

As a school, we ask that you make those connections using other means besides the classroom teacher.  Due to confidentiality, we are not able to give out personal information to other students. 

Also,  with birthdays being an exciting time for elementary students, we ask parents to refrain from sending invitations to their students to hand out during the school day.  Unless it is to the whole class.  This helps ensure that the school is a welcoming place where all are included. 

Can elementary students attend school events? 

Yes, elementary students are encouraged to attend school events and support our teams and extracurriculars. We ask that students are supervised and follow the guidelines below. 

Elementary Spectator Guidelines

Can my child have their cell phone/communication watch?

Students can have these devices as long as they are not a distraction. We do ask students to keep cell phones in their locker or locked in the teacher's room.  

Students who have a communication watch, such as a Gizmo watch, may have them unless it becomes a distraction during class.  

When distraction happens, the teacher will have the student leave the device with them until the end of the day.  

We ask that communication for pick-up and drop-offs are communicated with either the front office or the teacher. Communication through a child's device can complicate dismissal.

Thompson Public School is not responsible for any lost or stolen property.    

Can I drop off and pick up my student at their classroom door?

Parents are welcome to drop their students off at their classroom door on the first day of school.  We hope to see a lot of those first day of school pictures floating around social media.  As staff, we ask parents to exit the building by 8:35 to get our day started. 

After the first day of school, the campus will be closed, and a staff member will greet your students at the designated entry doors. 

At the end of the day, please follow the drop-off and dismissal routine linked on this webpage. We ask parents to stay outside for pick-up to allow for safe exiting for all students. 

What clothes attire should I dress my child in?

Learning is an active engagement. Students are constantly using their bodies to learn and discover here at school. Please dress your students in clothes that they can freely move in and be comfortable with.  

Different areas of school fluctuate temperatures. Please pack a light sweatshirt or pullover to accommodate the fluctuating temperatures.

Students do have accidents throughout the year, a milk spill, a science experiment got a bit messy, etc... It is helpful to have an extra set of clothes for those just-in-case moments. 

They will have phy-ed in the gymnasium. We ask parents to provide gym tennis shoes that are only used on our gym floors. These shoes will be kept in their locker all year around.

Soon the playground will be built. To ensure the safety of our students we ask that students wear shoes/sandals with backs on them. 

Who do I contact if my child will be gone or needs to be picked-up early?

Please contact the main office and the student's teacher if your child is going to be gone for the day or needs to be picked-up early.  Please pick-up students at the main office. Susan or Kristy will contact the classroom teacher and have the student walk to the office. 

The state of North Dakota rolled out an initiative to grow students' abilities in reading. This new approach looks at the science behind a student's understanding of learning to read.  

To help in aid of Science of Reading, the staff has unanimously voted to adopt the reading program Wonders 2023.

TPS is excited to announce a better form of school-to-home communication. In years past, teachers and coaches used varied forms of communication (Remind, Facebook, Twitter, Seesaw messages, email, etc.). Now teachers and coaches are being asked to use ParentSquare (and StudentSquare for students over age 13, with parental consent). 

Tommie Pride Card Tracker!

Let's Keep Track of our Tommie Pride Cards! Check back periodically to see how many cards we can collect!

At the end of the month, we will send these cards home. Great job Tommies!

Every month we pick students from all the Tommie Pride Cards and celebrate their achievements as students of the month!

Picture of a Tommie Pride Card

Tommie Staff Shoutout!

Click HERE to fill one out!

Are you interested in letting a Thompson staff member just how much you appreciate them? Take a moment to fill out a form and I will make sure it is delivered to the well-deserved individual. 

Link to Tommie Staff Shoutout